WebXR Hand Tracking Guide: https://vrporn.com/quest-2-webxr-hand-tracking-tutorial/
Faye’s secret relationship with her boss is about to elevate out of control.
A fully animated VR comic that plays directly from your browser. Pressing the blue “Stream Game” will prompt a loading screen. Then select your settings and start playing.
Key Features:
– [New!] Passthrough AR Support
– Color Customization (hair, skin, eye, clothes, and more)
– Oculus Quest Hand Tracking supported
– Oculus Go users can use laser cursor to grab
– Adjustable boob size and boob physics
– Body sliders to adjust the body shapes
– Hide Menu Option on the start menu: removes the overhead menu button
Developer’s recommendation to get the best experience:
1) On your first play through, watch for the plot.
2) Next, try out the first person perspectives, and various costume combos.
3) “Repeat Sex” button repeats the sex loop without interruption.
4) If objects are blocking your view, there are options to hide them.
5) You can turn off speech bubbles.
– Oculus Quest (Hand Tracking Support)
– Oculus Quest 2 (Hand Tracking Support)
– Oculus Go
– Pico 4 (No Hand Tracking Support, No AR)
Variable Functionality Headsets:
These may work at times.
– Steam VR [Index]
– Google Daydream
– Oculus Rift (Microsoft Edge)
– Oculus Rift S (Microsoft Edge)
– WindowsMR (Microsoft Edge)
– HTC Vive (Install Firefox Reality from Viveport) or (Microsoft Edge)
Trailer music: Ofshane – Tea Time
broken on quest
Works in my Quest 3
After the recent Quest update, I’m seeing a symptom that the WebXR activation fails at the first try. In such cases, exit using the controller’s system button. Then try to enter VR again, it works on the second try.
You can always find the developer site to try the recent build. VRporn versions are slightly older, but the base mechanism is the same. So I don’t expect any big differences.
How I download?
You play this game on a web browser by pressing the blue stream game button under the trailer. If you’re on a Quest, open the Meta browser and play it from there.
If you’re on PC, try Microsoft Edge or Chrome. You’ll get a pop-up asking for permission to start WebXR, and after accepting it should play straight to your headset.
how do i play on vr
If you’re on a Quest 2/3, all you have to do is open this web page on the Meta browser and hit the blue “Stream Game” button under the trailer.
If you have a VR headset connected to a PC, you hit the blue button, the browser will ask for permission to launch VR, accept and put on your headset. The browser does matter, Chrome and Edge work pretty well.
Faye’s really hot!!
I felt a bit bad when the elevator door opened haha