August Ames

August Ames

12 Videos

About August Ames

Birthday: Tuesday 23rd of August 1994
Birth place : Antigonish, Nova Scotia,Canada
Country : Mixed-race (primarily Caucasian)
Ethnicity: Mixed-race (primarily Caucasian)
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'7" (or 170 cm)
Weight: 125 lbs (or 57 kg)
Body type: Slim
Measurements: 36-23-34
Bra/cup size: 32Dshow conversions- UK: 32D, EU: 70D, AU: 10D, JP: 70D
Boobs: Real/Natural
The appeal of August Ames lies in her ability to connect with her audience through technology. Her VR experiences are designed to be as realistic as possible, using high-quality production values to ensure that viewers feel like they are part of the action. This approach has not only increased her popularity but also set a new standard for what viewers can expect from adult entertainment in the digital age. Whether it's through her exclusive GFE experiences or her educational sexology sessions, August Ames continues to push the boundaries of what VR can offer in the realm of adult content.